Hello, my name is

Ottavia Piro

Strategic Management

About me

Luxury Market and Key Players, CRM & Promotion, Brand strategies in luxury industries, Luxury Channels and Distribution management, Store concept and design.


2022/2024 — LUISS Guido Carli Master’s degree in Strategic Management

Major in Business Model InnovaRon.

2021/2022 – LUISS Business School – Rome, Italy
Master in Luxury Management
Main Courses: Luxury Market and Key Players, CRM & Promotion, Brand strategies in luxury industries, Luxury Channels and Distribution management, Store concept and design.
Final project about Dolce & Gabbana.

07/2021 – Polimoda – Florence, Italy
Course in Fashion Brand Management
Main Courses: Sociology of Imaginary, Fashion Brand Management, Fashion History, Fashion CommunicaRons.
Final project about Alexander McQueen.

09/2016 – 04/2021 – University of Naples Parthenope – Naples, Italy
Bachelor ’s Degree in Business Administration
Main Courses: Marketing, Production and LogisRcs, Accounting and budget, Political Economics. Thesis in MarkeRng (glocal marketing).


Italian as mother tongue, fluent English, basic French.

What I do

From understanding your requirements, designing a blueprint and delivering the final product, I do everything that falls in between these lines.


An effective UI/UX is what captures attention and spreads a clear message. I make sure the design is innovative and neat with all of this.

Real estate

Management of own private luxury property and luxury accessory services (cars, boats, events). Capability to create and consolidate a network. Identifying and satisfying client needs, Negotiating with suppliers, Financial management of the property

Fundraising and direct marketing

Loyalty-buildingspeech Trainingnewrecruits Eventplanning Fundraising


Microsoft Office
Paint Shop Pro
Apple devices
Social media

My Experience



Management of private real estate

Management of own private luxury property and luxury accessory services (cars, boats, events). Owner • Capability to create and consolidate a network • IdentifyingandsaRsfyingclientneeds • Negotiating with suppliers • Financial management of the property


Grow Up – Naples, Italy

Fundraising and direct marketing for non-profit organizations

Fundraiser • Loyalty-buildingspeech • Trainingnewrecruits • Eventplanning • Fundraising

Dynamic Capital INC

UI/UX Designer

I was a part of an amazing design team and worked together with them to help design and develop apps and websites for different clients of the company.
